Has anyone ever called you ugly? Insulting you often? Well, here's a few things you can tell that jerk:

1. "F*ck you!" (Keep it simple.)
2. "So's your life."
3. "At least I can get cosmetic surgery. But you're stuck being a dumbass forever."
4. "Really? That's not what your mom said last night." (This only works if you're a guy)
5. "If I'm ugly, then what are you?"
6. "Dude, you're so ugly you can make onions cry! Have you looked in the mirror lately? Oh wait, I remember, you broke them all!"
7. "At least I don't have to sneak up on my mirror like you."
8. "Yes I am!" (2 thumbs up)
9. "Well, it takes one to know one."
10. "Back at you b*tch!"
11. "Want to see something even uglier? There's a mirror over there."
12. "Thanks. You too!"
13. "...What's your point?"
14. "Ugly? That's it?"
15. "You know, if I shaved my dog's ass and made him walk backwards, you would see your
16. "So are you, and I don't complain."
17. "Ok. Anything else you want to add?"
18. "I don't remember asking you for your opinion." (Only works if you have a death glare to go along with it)
19. "Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not. But guess what? Nobody cares."
20. "Sorry, I don't speak dumbass."
21. "Such ignorance is not worthy of a comeback." (This may get you beat up.)
22. "Thanks. I try."
23. "I'd insult you back, but I don't like taking advantage of the mentally challenged."
24.  Look at the Insults page on this website for more ideas.

Note: You don't need comebacks for such a stupid insult.
Disclaimer: We are not responsible for you getting beat up/killed. Use these comebacks at your own risk.
4/10/2024 02:32:13 pm



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