If you want to get rid of everyone in your friends list the hard way, here's how you do it:

1. Update people about ever moment in your life "I just woke up." "I am now peeing." "I ran out of toothpaste."
2. Write on other people's walls "Remember that one time in prison [insert crazy story here]"
3. Tell everyone how much you love your pet. Post 10 pictures of it everyday.
4. Post song lyrics. "You're a womanizer ~Britney Spears"
5. Poke everyone.
6. Change your relationship status everyday (Single, married, widowed).
7. Post a bunch of pictures of food, along with the recipes. End it with "Tastes like sh*t."
8. Invite people to cults.
9. Spill your whole life story to a friend on chat. At the end, say "Thanks for listening to me. I'm sorry to ask, but who are you again?"
10. Write "That's stupid" after every comment.
11. Create a fan page for your friend.
12. Post disgusting facts about smoking and drinking on your friend's wall.
13. Play Farmville.
14. Update everyone about your progress in Farmville.
15. Ask everyone "Do you know what day today is?" everyday.
16. Invite everyone to the stupidest groups you can find.
17. "OMG! I'm having a heart attack! Someone call an ambulance!"
18. Take a bunch of photos of yourself in cheesy poses. (Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, standing in front of a door and wall corner etc.)
19. Like articles on "How to Annoy People on Facebook"
20. Act like an over-concerned parent and stalk your friends. "Hey, how are you?" "What are you doing right now?" "Did you eat your vegetables?" "Don't forget to wash the dishes." "Did you poop today?" "Remember to put on sun screen."
21. Type "Like my status" as your status."
22. Post stupid Youtube videos labelled as "Must see!"
23. Post embarrassing false things on people's wall. "Hey! Is your toe fungus gone yet?"
24. Complain to everyone about how your friend is stalking you (even though they're not). Go on their wall and keep telling them "Stop stalking me!"
25. Do personality quizzes and post all your results.
26. Send game invites to all your friends until they join. Repeat with new game.
27. Complain about life.
28. After watching a movie, write about how great it is and include all the spoilers.
29. Falsely compliment your friends on their photos. "That shirt really brings out your ankles." "Wow, you can barely see your pot belly! Have you lost weight?"
30. Post links to articles on How to Annoy People on Facebook.
The next time you're in a trolling mood, here's a few ideas:

1. "Button. Button. Who has my button?"
2. "Hey, has anyone seen my nickname? I lost it."
3. "Oh my god! The green leprechauns are here!"
4. "So this one time, in prison..."
5. "Everybody freeze! I'm going to high jack this room!"
6. "Aww...someone's sitting in my emo corner."
7. After someone tells a joke, "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha" (continue this until you're banned)
8. "Oh my god!!! Someone call an ambulance! I'm having a heart attack!"
9. "I can see you. Look out your window."
10. "The person below me is a noob."
11. "So, anyone up for a bank robbery tonight?"
12. "I remember back in ye olde days, when the internet was first invented! It was a cold, stormy night, in World War 2..."
13. *cough* *cough* *cough* *gag* *choke* "Someone help me!"
14. "*dies and goes to heaven*"
15. Ask everyone for a high five.
16. Ask everyone the color of their underwear.
17. After someone tells a joke, "...Will you marry me?"
18. "Everyone leave now! A 14.F2 virus is going to be sent to everyone who remains in this room."
19. Reply to everything someone says with "That's what YOU think."
20. "Someone call 911 for me! I'm being kidnapped!"
21. "I lost my car keys. Anyone know where it is?"
22. Copy and paste parts of the bible. Sentence by sentence.
23. Pretend to be a priest and host an exorcism.
24. Copy and paste song lyrics.
25. "Kill me."
26. Keep saying "Mute"
27. "Where's the mute button?"
28. "Caution. Troll ahead."
29. Spam.
30. Do math. "1 + 1 = 2"
31. Keep saying "Kick me."
32. Tell everyone who joins the chat "Welcome to the troll room. We serve free tacos tonight. Limited time offer. Enjoy your stay."
33. Only talk in emoticons/emoji.
34. Post a bunch of hyperlinks to random websites. "lamecomics.weebly.com"
35. Talk about feelings. "I feel...." "This makes me feel...." "And how did that make you feel?"
36. Pretend to by a therapist and analyze everyone.
37. Ask a random person "Hey, remember that time when we [insert crazy random story here]."
38. "It has come to my attention that I am the center of the universe."
39. "Has anyone here ever [insert stupid action here]."
40. Correct everyone's grammar and spelling.
41. Ask people to tell you bed time stories.
42. Ask everyone's age, gender, location, eye color, hair color, skin color, height, weight etc.
44. Capitalize The First Letter Of Each Word. It Really Annoys Some People.
45. Say "lol" "lmao" "rofl" "hahahaha" "lmaoshmsfoaidmt" a lot (even when nothing is funny).
46. Overuse...the...ellipsis...punctuation.
47. Become a duck expert. (Copy and paste duck facts from Wikipedia.)
48. Use "uh...." in the middle of uh....your sentences uh...a lot!
49. Ask people creepy questions. "Do you know a good place to hide a dead body?" "Do you know how to get human blood stains out of a carpet?"
50. Post a hyperlink to this page.

Warning: You may get banned or muted.

Now go out there and make the word a better place!
