Need a place to hide secret objects? Why not place them inside a hollowed out book? It's so
obvious, no one will suspect it. Here's how to get started:

1. Obtain a hardcover book large enough to fit your objects. I repeat: hardcover.
2. Measure a border around the edges of the first page. Draw this border with a pencil.
3. Use a razor to cut out along the pencil lines drawn.
4. Remove the part of the page that you have cut out.
5. Continue step 3 and 4 for all the pages within the book.
6. Use a brush to brush liquid glue along the edges of the pages to stick them together (wood glue also works well).
7. Leave the book in a cool open area to dry. Place weight on the book to hold
pages together. It may take one day, depending on the glue.
8. Enjoy storing your objects inside the hollowed out book!

Warning: Make sure you do not get glue on the book's front cover or accidentally glue the
cover to the pages.

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