Tired of sharing elevator rides with a smelly dude or cranky old lady? Well, prove that you can be just as annoying if not more! Make it an elevator ride they'll never forget:

1. Eat a bowl of cereal.
2. When the doors close, cross your fingers and and whisper loudly "Please, please, please let me survive this trip!" Throw your hands in the air and shout "Bless the elevator gods!"
3. Yell out "Woooo!" every time the elevator moves.
4. Press all the buttons while mumbling "Is it this floor? No, oops! Wait, it's this floor! No, that's cousin Angie. It's this floor! No...wait! I remember now! It's the third floor! Or was it the fourth
floor? Oh, it was the first floor! Wait, I forgot my papers. Back to the tenth floor. Hey, I wonder what this button does?"
5. Lean against the control panel. When people ask you to move, ask for the Password.
6. Leave a box between the doors.
7. Hum the Mission Impossible theme song.
8. Blow your nose into a tissue and ask the other passengers "Does this look infected?"
9. Shave.
10. Stare an a wound on your hand and say "I think it's getting larger!"
11. Wear a nametag that says "Kiss me. I'm Irish."
12. Cough and say "Sorry. I've been infected."
13. Wear a large trench coat stuffed with papers. Open the coat, and ask passengers "Wanna buy an elevator pass?"
14. Dress up in a devil costume like it's normal. When people ask, glare at them and say "You're next."
15. Stand still for a while and then jump up and ask "Did you feel that?!" When they ask "What?", just say "Geez, mortals these days..."
16. When you're alone with another person, start dancing randomly. Yell out "Yeah! This is my
tune!" (works best if there's elevator music). When the doors open for the next person, immediately stop dancing.
17. Stare at people through binoculars.
18. Loudly announce that you're going to the bathroom.
19. Open your purse/suitcase and pull out a potato with a face drawn on it. Show the other passengers and tell them "He kinda reminds me of you!"
20. When someone is about to enter, ask them "Are the stairs broken again?"
21. Drop your pen, then grunt and strain as you slowly bend down to pick it up.
22. As you walk into the elevator, tell the other passengers "You might want to cover your nose. I just had diarrhea"
23. Step into the elevator carrying Halloween decorations and Christmas decorations. Explain that you're decorating your office for Christmasween or Hallomas.
24. Give out instruction manuals on How to Use an Elevator. Tell them you're the new elevator
25. When the doors open, say "Sorry, the elevator is broken. Please come again."

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